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Keynote Speakers at KTH SoTL 2023

The program committee for KTH SoTL 2023 is very pleased to present the keynote speakers for the SoTL 2023 conference. The fifth conference for KTH Scholarship of Teaching and Learning was on March 7, 2023 with Stockholm trio as the main theme.

Introduction & welcome

President Anders Söderholm

(In Swedish but available with English subtitles)

President Anders

KTH President Anders Söderholm in this introduction speech at the KTH SoTL 2023 conference talks about what we must reflect on and take action on for the future of education. He talks about, lifelong learning, what a future laboratory environment should look like and what kind of environments do we need to meet the need of future students. He also mentions the future education programme and mentions a few of the 13 principles.

"We don't know what the future looks like, that's the inherent quality of the future. But we all have a responsibility to actually think and try to help create favourable conditions for the education of the future".

"It's about what our students face in the future when they are out in the labour market. Being able to develop knowledge and professionalism not only for their subject and in their subject, but also to develop the ability to deal with that subject".

Astrid Söderbergh Widding

What is Stockholm Trio?

(In Swedish)

Porträtt av Astrid Söderbergh Widding

Astrid Söderbergh Widding 

Professor of Film Studies and President of Stockholm University. She chairs the board of the Swedish Universities and Colleges Association and the Bibsam Consortium and is a member of the boards of Aarhus University and the Henrik Granholm Foundation, among others. In 2018 she was awarded HM The King's Medal in the 12th size of the Order of the Seraphim and is also a member of Academia Europaea, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, and the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts and Sciences. 

KTH, SU och KI present

Our second keynote speakers were represented from KTH, Stockholm University and Karolinska Institute. The presentation describes how a group of colleagues from the Stockholm Trio partner universities and the University of Tokyo conducted an online dialogue on education for sustainable development, which resulted in the initiation of joint research and development activities on transformative sustainability education.


Here is an overview of the authors of this presentation – Transformative sustainability learning in profession-oriented higher education

Anders Rosén – KTH Royal Institute of Technology 

Associate professor in engineering education at the KTH Department of Learning, involved in research, development, and teacher education, with special focus on sustainability education, challenge-driven education, and educational transformations. HE has also a leading role in the ongoing updating of the CDIO framework, particularly regarding sustainability and sustainable development, and in the promotion and evaluation of integration of sustainability in KTH's education programs.

Marie Magnell

​​​​​​​Marie Magnell – KTH Royal Institute of Technology 

Ph.D. in Technology and Learning is a lecturer at the KTH Department of Learning. She is responsible for the 7.5 credit course in Teaching and Learning in higher education.

Shu-Nu Chang Rundgren

Shu-Nu Chang Rundgren – Stockholm University 

Professor of Didactics in Department of Education at Stockholm University She is alos Scientific leader and coordinator for the research group of Educational Research in Citizenship Competences (ERiCC) 

Her research focus has been teaching and learning of socioscientific issues (SSI) and informal argumentation skills concerning emerging issues of, for example, climate change and controversial issues emerging from the pandemics.

Ulf Fredriksson

Ulf Fredriksson – Stockholm University 

Associate Professor of Education at the Department of Education, Stockholm University. His research has focused on reading, students of immigrant background, learning to learn, the use of ICT in schools and comparative and international education. He has participated in several studies of students reading skills in different municipalities and in PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment). He is a member of the reference group in the Swedish part of the PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Studies) study and a member of the Board of Directors of the Education International Research Institute in Brussels.

Matti Nikkola

Matti Nikkola – Karolinska Institute 

He is the Head of Education in Cell and Molecular Biology. He is also the Vice-chair and KI coordinator of NorDoc health, Nordic consortium for cooperation in doctoral education. Member of KI Learning Environment council and KI coordinator of the summer school programme with Keio University, Beijing University Health Science Center, King's College London, and Karolinska Institute. KI coordinator for co-operation with Berä

Lena Ström

Lena Storm – Karolinska Institute 

Lena Ström is senior lecturer and research group leader at Karolinska Institutet, with several international research collaborations. She has more than 20 years of experience in teaching, pedagogical development and course organisation. She is currently in charge of master and PhD courses, teaches in the biomedicine programme and is one of the teachers developing the scientific education in the new six-year curriculum for medicine at KI.

Read more information about her research here

Yuto Kitamura – University of Tokyo  

Professor at the Graduate School of Education, at the University of Tokyo. In 2022 he was awarded an honorary doctorate at Stockholm University. He has worked at the Education Sector of UNESCO in Paris as an Assistant Education Specialist and taught as an Associate Professor at Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University and Department of Education, Faculty of Human Sciences, Sophia University. He was a Fulbright Scholar at the George Washington University, a visiting professor at the University of Dhaka in Bangladesh and has been a member of international advisory board at the Master of Education Program at Royal University of Phnom Penh in Cambodia.

End note with Arnold Pears

Arnold Pears Head of the Department of Learning presented ideas on ensuring that students receive authentic and valuable learning experiences through individualised learning experiences, and how campus institutions must re-examine their resources, both financially and technologically.

Arnold Pears
Photographer Anneli Nygårds

Arnold Pears 

Arnold Pears is Professor and Head of the Department of Learning in Engineering Sciences at KTH. His research interests include models for future learning in computing and engineering education, computational thinking as a central competency for the future, and models for effective learning. He is widely published with over 100 publications in IEEE and ACM conferences and journals.