The next SoTL conference is March 7, 2023
Future learning - learning for the future
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The fifth conference for the KTH Scholarship of Teaching and Learning is planned and the theme is Future learning - learning for the future. The conference will be held on March 7 at KTH.
SoTL is an approach where teachers develop their practice through scientific analysis of teaching and students' learning in the light of current research and knowledge about learning in higher education. Results and learning are shared with colleagues.
Scholarship contains the following parts
Engage in other people's scientific contributions in the field of teaching and learning.
Reflect on their own teaching and students' learning in a specific area.
Communicate and disseminate good practice and theoretical knowledge around teaching and learning in general and within one's own subject.
(Martin et. Al. Communicating the scholarship of teaching. Developing scholarship in teaching)
Read more about Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at KTH