Arctic Seminar Series: Past (and Future) Greenland? Making Sense of Cold War Environmental Legacies
Med forskar Ronald Doel

Välkommen till den sjätte delen av vår Arktisk seminarie-serie, arrangerad av KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory och KTH Climate Action Centre! Vi kommer att höra från Ronald Doel, historiker vid Smithsonian Institution och Florida State University, USA. I sitt föredrag kommer Doel att ge en historisk kontext till den aktuella geopolitiken kring Grönland.
Tid: Fr 2025-01-24 kl 12.15 - 13.00
Plats: Climate Action Centre, Teknikringen 43
Språk: English
Medverkande: Ronald Doel, Smithsonian Institution och Florida State University
Seminariet kommer att vara på engelska, se abstrakt och event info på engelska nedan
The Arctic Seminar Series
Advancing Sustainability in the Arctic and Beyond: Opportunities and Challenges in the Swedish North is a seminar series organized by the KTH Climate Action Centre and the Division of History of Science, Technology, and Environment together with the KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory.
Through a series of public seminars involving an array of leading experts and key stakeholders, Advancing Sustainability in the Arctic and Beyond will explore the opportunities, complexities, and possible conflicts associated with the sweeping economic, social, and environmental transformation taking place in the northern reaches of Sweden and other parts of the Arctic. While the Arctic is the place on Earth where the effects of climate change are most dramatic, it is also a region of ambitious new industries and abundant natural resources, including renewable energy and strategic minerals badly needed for the green transition, and the home to indigenous people with longstanding claims to lands that are closely tied to their cultures and ways of life. As the seminar series will explore, this convergence of different values and stakeholders in the Swedish North—that are sometimes in direct conflict with one another—makes the Arctic a region of great relevance for the implementation of sustainable development on a local, national, and global level