Ecosystem for Sustainable Fishing Navigation in the Municipality of Guapi, Cauca in Colombia
Four universities and three fishing communities and associations participate in Econavipesca del Pacífico, financed by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).
Photo: Alfredo Valderruten
The objective of the Pacífico Econavipesca project is to develop a sustainable artisanal fishing model that reduces the environmental, social, and economic impacts on the ecosystem caused by vessels’ use of fossil fuels and other resources that increase the costs of fishing operations. The project is developed through open innovation and co-creation methodologies, taking advantage of both the knowledge of the local communities and the latest scientific knowledge. Thus, it seeks to identify the value chain as the basis of a sustainable artisanal fishing model that systematically harmonizes the environmental, social and economic factors of the ecosystem, together with the construction of an innovative prototype for an eco-efficient vessel. The design of the vessel is to be powered by renewable and hybrid energies with the implementation of a telecommunication system to improve safety and accurate positioning during deep sea fishing journeys. The aim of the new prototype developed is that it will broaden the areas of application, increase profitability and reduce the environmental impact of the fishing business.
The main participants in the project are the fishing associations of Guapi, Colombia, local and regional authorities and the following universities: Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Colombia), Universidad del Cauca (Colombia), KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), and Lund University (Sweden).
Poster presented at the conference: Innovations for the Blue Planet , hosted by KVA Royal Academy of Sciences, In Stockholm. Organized by KTH Water Centre : Co-creation and transdisciplinary knowledge on the river in the Pacífico Econavipesca Project. Co-authored by Gauri Salunkhe and Katarina Larsen, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment.
Further information about Pacífico Econavipesca Project
Interview with Katarina Larsen, Gauri Salunkhe and a representative from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency in Guapi 2023 (English and Spanish): Transformative Humanities Blog