Questions and answers
Commonly asked questions and answers. If the answers below still doesn´t fix your problem, you can always contact us for more help.
This page is a complement to Manuals KTH-RES
Question: Egencia is telling me that I dont have a profile when im trying to book a new businesstrip.
Answer: Since it is a new system (new system supplier), you will need to approve GDPR again in order for it to work.
Follow these steps:
- Log in to new KTH- RES - KTH RES
- Click on "My profile".
- Choose "Traveler´s profile"
- Fill in your contact information
- Check the box in the yellow field to approve GDPR. Don´t forget to save!
Note! Wait at least 30 minutes before trying to book any trips.
Question: Why havent I received my money yet?
Answer: The most common reason is beacuse you haven´t succesfully submitted your expense report. You can see the status of your report when you log in to KTH-RES. Look att dashboard, which is the first page you see when you have logged in. There are four fields with numbers. Look at "3. Review pending expense reports" too see the current status of your report. If its empty it might be beacuse you haven´t succesfully sent the report. It/they should be visible in the second field " 2. Create expense reports".
Guide to create an expense report
Question: Why do I need to create a travel request?
Answer: The travel request is your proof that the business trip was approved and that insurance regulations and travel benefits apply during the trip. If something happens on your trip, you must be able to prove to the insurer that the trip took place in the service.
Question: Where do I add cost center for my expenses?
Answer: In the expense report. It is possible to add project number or cost center in the expense directly, but not neccesary. That information can be added when making the expense report instead.
Question: I have lost some original receipts, what do I do now?
Answer: If your manager can verify that you have made the expense, then that could replace the receipts in your travel request. Ask for an email or signed document and add in the travel report.
Question: I can't book any travels online with Egencia?
Answer: In case of problems with online booking or rebooking and cancellation, contact Egencia, or call: 08 555 237 20.
Is Egencia is telling you that you don´t have a profile when you are trying to book a new businesstrip? (Check answer below). Since it is a new system (new system supplier), you will need to approve GDPR again in order for it to work.
Follow these steps:
- Log in to new KTH- RES - KTH RES
- Click on "My profile".
- Choose "Traveler´s profile"
- Fill in your contact information
- Check the box in the yellow field to approve GDPR. Don´t forget to save!
Note! Wait at least 30 minutes before trying to book any trips.
Question: Why is the invoice for my business procured personal card (FUP) coming to me?
Answer: Beacuse FUP-cards are a personal debit card with personal liability. You need to make an expense report in the KTH-RES Travel system first and send it for review and approval in order to be reimbursed. Please read more here: Expenses and Eurocard
Did you not find your question here? If you can't find the information you seek in the travel pages, you can always e-mail us at
for help and guidance.