Business trip - this is how to do it
Remember to plan and carry out your meetings and travel so that the environmental impact is minimized and that the environmental aspect is taken into account in all decisions regarding means of transport and accommodation. The need to travel must always be evaluated.
Before you leave
Step 1 - Fill in a travel request in KTH-Res and send it for approval
A travel request is your proof that the business trip has been granted by the immediate manager and that insurance regulations and travel benefits apply during the trip. If something happens on your trip, you must be able to prove to the insurer that the trip took place in the service, this can be seen through a certified travel request in KTH-RES.
Make sure you select the correct approver in your travel request.
Step 2 - Book a trip - always use the procured travel agency Egencia
Book flights, trains, hotels and transfers (eg airport bus or Arlanda Express) via the travel agency Egencia which invoices KTH. Booking trips in another way violates the framework agreement that KTH has signed with Egencia.
Do you have a travel profile in KTH-RES? You need to have filled in your contact information and GDPR approved that personal data is saved in your travel profile in the new KTH-RES System before you can book a trip. Link to the booking system Egencia Online can be found in KTH-Res, on the page for travel request.
Create/update your traveler profile
Local travel should primarily take place by public transport.
Domestic taxis must be booked via Flygtaxi taxi agreement . Taxi and rental cars must be used sparingly and when ordering, a green car must be chosen, share a taxi or a car whenever possible. Do not use UBER or Bolt or similar taxiservices with private drivers.
Attach the following documents to your travel request:
- Purpose of the trip, this includes, for example, conference program, invitation, certificates and emails.
- Itinerary
- An explanation if you plan to stay longer than the conference / course in connection with your trip. Remember to apply for a holiday in the self-reporting system.
NOTE! Be sure to save all receipts that are then linked to your trip. You need to attach these to your expense report then when you have completed your trip.
Have you booked a prepaid hotel?
If you have booked a prepaid hotell you can print a payment voucher in Egencia Online before your trip How to print a hotel voucher
After the trip
Step 3 - Create an Expense report
You create an expense report in KTH-RES as soon as possible after completing the trip to get travel allowance. Documentation older than 1 year is denied by KTH. If you have created a travel request, you do not need to attach the same documentation again, but you do need to link the travel request with your expense report.
Documentation to be attached to your expense report:
- Documents supporting the purpose of the trip, (eg conference program, invitation, certificates, emails.)
- Itinerary / flight information from Egencia. Your itinerary (flight times) is available for you in the Egencia booking portal once you have booked your trip.
- All original receipts, preferably numbered and taped on separate sheets - NOTE, keep in mind the 1-year rule!
- Copy of bank transactions for larger sums unless you have paid with a FUP card with automatic download to KTH-RES.
- If you have stayed longer than the conference / course in connection with your trip, you need to attach a clarification with details about your detour. Allowances are not paid during holidays. How to register allowances when you have had a holiday
- In the event of any deviations from procured services, a written explanation must also be attached to your expenses. For example, when booking a taxi, if the taxi company Flygtaxi cannot not send a car at the desired time and you are forced to call another taxi company. Note! Always choose established taxi companies, not Uber, Bolt or similar with private drivers.
- The first page of the expense report where your case number and name appear.
Upload all documentation in KTH-RES so you do not need to print and send it by post, provided that all documentation is digital. Then it is enough that you email the front page of the expense report to .
If you have paper receipts that you received physically at the time of payment, you must send these receipts in original. Send all original paper receipts together with a printout of the front page of the expense report so we know whose receipts it is.
Tickets from local transport such as bus, train, metro, which can be purchased via mobile, you can report as follows:
- photograph in print screen
- Print the photo on a piece of paper
- Report as a receipt
Step 4 - Send your expense report
Submit any paperwork in original format together with the cover page of your expense report to the Economy administration at the Schools Office to receive compensation. For digital documents only, it is sufficient that you email your expense report to
Adress to the Economy Administration
If you want to come by and leave your original receipts in person, there is a certain mailbox for expenses at Skolkansliet, Teknikringen 74D, floor 4 (upstairs from the entrance floor).
Internal mail:
Teknikringen 74D
Regular mail:
Kungliga tekniska högskolan
Att: Ekonomiadministrationen
Teknikringen 74D
100 44 Stockholm
The documentation is required due to the Accounting Act but also to make it clear why we travel for business and how long we are away. Until all documentation has been received, the expense report is considered incomplete.
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KTH President´s decision regarding Business travel:
Riktlinje om resor
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