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CET-2022 (Converging Energy Technologies)

The rapid integration of renewables within the energy system in combination with the event of new technologies like small nuclear reactors (SMR) are transforming tomorrow’s energy system.

Time: Wed 2022-09-21 12.00 - Fri 2022-09-23 15.00

Location: Forum Oskarshamn

Language: English


Ramon Wyss

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The conference will present new energy technologies and their system aspects at national, regional, and local level with emphasis on the convergence of SMR with renewables, hydrogen production and CO2 storage.

CET-2022 is co-organised by KTH, Uniper, Centre for New Energy Technology in Oskarshamn (CNETO), the Municipality of Oskarshamn, OKG and the IAEA.

CET2022 will address the following topics:
* Global overview of Small Nuclear Reactor (SMR) status and development
* Role of SMR for a successful CO2 neutral Europe
* The Baltic region as a demonstrator of new technologies and system integration 2040
* Integration of SMR and renewables into the local energy system
* Role of hydrogen production with SMR and renewables
* CO2 capture supported by SMR and renewables
* Electrification and decarbonization in Europe and energy needs until 2040, policy and regulatory aspects, grid integration

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Last changed: Aug 23, 2022