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The KTH brand

KTH's brand is an important symbol of our identity and conveys values, vision, and activities within education and research. On this page you will find links to tools for reflecting KTH's brand.

Brand guidelines

Brand guidelines includes typography, colors, graphic elements, and imagery. It is designed to be consistent in all our communication, whether it is printed material, digital platforms, or events. By following the guidelines for our graphic profile, you contribute to strengthening and preserving the visual identity of KTH.

Brand guidelines

KTH’s logotype

Our logotype is a symbol of our institution and represents our values, history, and future. It is important to use the logotype correctly to ensure that we maintain a strong and consistent brand identity.

Guidelines for writing KTH

Proper use of language and KTH's name is crucial to convey our institution correctly and consistently. In this section, you will find guidelines for writing and using KTH's name in various contexts, including academic documents, press releases, and web pages. We emphasise the importance of clarity and consistency in our communication.

How to write KTH

Images and film

Images and videos are powerful tools for presenting KTH's research, education, and campus life. Here you can find guidelines and tips on creating engaging and professional visual materials.

KTH images and film

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Belongs to: KTH Intranet
Last changed: Dec 05, 2023