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Review self-reporting cases

As an examiner, your role is to check that what is entered in self-reporting complies with rules and agreements. After examination by you, the case is forwarded to the approving officer for final approval. What has been self-reported is then finally entered into the HR+ payroll system. The deviations reported via Self-reporting generate pay deductions/additions.

Pages will be unpublished

The Self-reporting/HR-plus is replaced by the system KTH-HR. These pages will unpublished in the near future. It is currently only possible to see historic data such as previous pay slips.

Administer cases

It is important that self-reporting is continuously checked. As the 15th of each month is the final day for managers to approve cases reported via self-reporting, it is extra important to regularly examine cases in the week before the 15th. It is also import to remind: those who have not reported that they must submit their cases; and, approving officers to approve the cases submitted to them. Below, there is an explanation of what you need to keep in mind when examining.

Sick leave

Replacing unpaid qualifying day with vacation

When replacing an unpaid qualifying day with a vacation, the entire period of illness must be entered as of the first day of absence through illness. Next, the case type “unpaid qualifying day/vacation” must be entered as the first day of absence through illness. The “unpaid qualifying day/vacation” case type can only be used in connection with registering a period of absence through illness and only if a full “qualifying deduction” has been made. If a person is absent only part of the first day of absence through illness, a full qualifying deduction is reached if this person is also absent through illness on the next day.

Read more on the If you are absent through illness page.


Sick leave is recorded as an extent (0.25, 0.50, 0.75 or 1). Check that the employee states (in the extent box) the extent of any partial absence.

Long-term sick leave

Sick leave of two or more weeks must be reported for seven days each week.

Parental leave

If an employee is granted leave for a period of three or more weeks, but is to work full or part-time on certain days (so-called “concentrated part-time service”), the employee is to report the leave in per cent for all weeks in the leave period, Monday – Sunday.

Where the extent of parental leave is other than 100%, a part-time schedule is to be completed and sent to the payroll function. A part-time schedule form is available in the form archive.

Read more on the page about parental leave.

Child’s date of birth

On the first 360 days of parental leave (child less than 36 months old), the child’s date of birth (YYMMDD) is to be entered in the message box. If the employee enters any other digits, these should be deleted before approval.


Only full vacation days can be taken out. Read more on the page about vacations.

Vacation during sick leave

Vacations during illness can only be used as of the 15th day of the period of illness. The extent must be the same as the sick leave.

Save vacation days

The “wish to save vacation” case type can be used up until the end of 15 May. Only days in excess of 20 can be saved – an employee can have no more than 30 saved vacation.

Standard vacation

People with standard vacation must not report their vacation via self-reporting. Reject vacation cases submitted by people with standard vacation.

Leave of absence

If an employee is granted leave for a period of three or more weeks, but is to work full or part-time on certain days (so-called “concentrated part-time service”), the employee is to report the leave in per cent for all weeks in the leave period, Monday – Sunday.

Where the extent of leave of absence is other than 100%, a part-time schedule is to be completed and sent to the payroll function. A part-time schedule form is available in the form archive.

Where leave of absence is entered as “non-pensionable leave of absence” (case type), you must double-check that the employee has no pension rights in respect of the work for which he/she has requested leave of absence from KTH.

Read more on the page about leave of absence.

Family emergency

Any person applying for leave for a family emergency must enter an explanatory comment and state his/her relationship to the person suffering the emergency. Read more about family emergency on the page about leave of absence.

Leave to take care of family members

For leave to take care of family members, the “leave of absence, individual emergency” case type must be registered and “care of family member” entered in the comment box. When the employee gets an allowance from Försäkringskassan, the payroll function needs to have the documents issued by Försäkringskassan. The payroll function changes the leave of absence to care of family members in HR+. This is because the latter is vacation-qualifying absence (unlike “leave of absence, individual emergency”).

Overtime/extra hours

Overtime/extra hours must be ordered. Check that the person entering overtime/extra hours has not exceeded the hours approved under the conditions agreement. The reporting must be done in arrears and one line for each day

Teachers cannot enter extra hours or overtime via self-reporting. Doctoral students cannot have extra hours/overtime.

Further information on working hours rules and references to KTH’s collective agreement can be found on the page about working hours.


Overtime/extra hours must be reported in hundreths.

Incorrect registration

If what has been registered is incorrect, or if the person who registered a case via self-reporting wishes to undo the registration, the examiner or approving officer can reject the case. If the case has already been approved, the employee must, instead, annul what has been entered. In this event, do not forget to tick and send the case.


The “long-term planning function” may not be used in leave of absence and parental leave.

The “as of” and “to end of” dates must be stated in all registrations.

General about part-time and extent

Part-time schedule

When applying for a long period of leave with an extent other than 100%, a part-time schedule is to be completed and sent to the payroll function. For part-time workers, there are working hour schedules setting out how many hours the employee is to work in weeks with public vacation or “bridging days”. A part-time schedule form is available in the form archive.

Concentrated part-time

If an employee is granted leave for a period of three or more weeks, but is to work full or part-time on certain days (so-called “concentrated part-time service”), the employee is to report the leave in per cent for all weeks in the leave period, Monday – Sunday.

Extent of leave of absence

Extent is always governed by the underlying employment. This means that even if a person is employed part-time, he/she must apply for 100% leave of absence if he/she wishes to have full leave from the part-time appointment.

  • The employment’s extent is 50% and the person is to have full leave of absence. Do not register any extent in self-reporting (it is automatically 100%).
  • The employment’s extent is 75% and the person is to have 50% leave of absence. Register 0.50 in extent in self-reporting.
  • The employment’s extent is 100% and the person is to have 50% leave of absence. Register 0.50 in extent in self-reporting.

Extent with several simultaneous leaves of absence

If a person has several simultaneous leaves of absence or part-time sick leave, the extent of absence that is to be registered must be calculated.

  • The employment’s extent is 100% and the person is to have leave of absence for 5 hours a week and parental leave for 10 hours a week. 5 ÷ 40 = 0.125 = the employee is to have 12.5% leave of absence. Register 0.125 in extent in self-reporting. 10 ÷ 40 = 0.25 = the employee is to have 25% parental leave. Register 0.25 in extent in self-reporting.
  • The employment’s extent is 50% and the person is to have leave of absence for 3 hours a week and parental leave for 6 hours. 3 ÷ 20 = 0.15 = the employee is to have 15% leave of absence. Register 0.15 in extent in self-reporting. 6 ÷ 20 = 0.30 = the employee is to have 30% parental leave. Register 0.30 in extent in self-reporting.

Calculating extent when leave of absence is per hour

The extent of leave of absence is calculated by dividing the requested hours of leave by the employment hours per week.

  • The employment’s extent is 30 hours a week and the person is to have leave of absence for 5 hours a week. 5 ÷ 30 = 0.166 = the employee is to have 16.6% leave of absence. Register 0.166 in extent in self-reporting.
  • The employment’s extent is 8 hours a week and the person is to have leave of absence for 3 hours a week. 3 ÷ 8 = 0.375 = the employee is to have 37.5% leave of absence. Register 0.375 in extent in self-reporting.
  • The employment’s extent is 15 hours a week and the person is to have leave of absence for 5 hours a week. 5 ÷ 15 = 0.33 = the employee is to have 33% leave of absence. Register 0.33 in extent in self-reporting.

Conversion table minutes to hundredths

Conversion table minutes to hundredths (pdf 398 kB)