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Life Science Day 2021: COVID-19 and KTH’s research for future pandemics

What did KTH scientists do to fight COVID-19? What are they planning to prepare society for in the pandemics to come? In this workshop we will demonstrate the broad palette of COVID-19 related research at KTH, which includes diagnostic testing, serology, logistics in health care, monitoring and prediction of virus spread and epidemiology. Keynote speaker is Professor Kenneth R Chien from Karolinska Institutet, co-founder of Moderna. He will give a presentation about Moderna´s development of the Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccine. The workshop is organised by the KTH Life Science Platform.

Time: Thu 2021-10-28 13.00 - 17.00

Location: Zoom link, passcode: 590355

Language: English

Participating: Professor Kenneth R Chien among others

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This year´s Life Science Day will summarise the previous and future pandemics related research at KTH. Photo: Pixabay


Keynote speaker Kenneth Chien, MD, PhD, Professor, Karolinska Institutet. Photo: Ulf Sirborn

13.00-13.05 Welcome

13.05-13.20  Sophia Hober , My Hedhammar  and Peter Nilsson

Title: Development of a multiplex and high-throughput multi-disease serology

13.20-13.35   Jochen Schwenk  and Niclas Roxhed

Title: Multianalyte SARS-CoV-2 serology through home-sampled blood in the population

13.35-13.50 Adil Mardinoglu

Title: Combined metabolic activators accelerates recovery in mild-to-moderate COVID-19

13.50-14.05  Zeynep Cetecioglu Gurol  and Cecilia Williams

Title: Application of Wastewater Surveillance to Monitor COVID-19 Pandemic

14.05-14.20  Aman Russom

Title: Microfluidics based COVID-19 tests - with focus on resource limited settings

14.20-14.35  Fredrik Edfors

Title: Testing at scale during the COVID-19 pandemic

14.35-14.50 Break

14.50-15.45 Key note: Kenneth Chien  Co-founder of Moderna

Title: Beyond mRNA Vaccines: Towards Novel mRNA Therapeutics

15.45-16.00 Lucie Delemotte

Title: Probing effects of the SARS-CoV-2 E protein on membrane curvature and intracellular calcium

16.00-16.10 Break

16.10-16.25  Mats Persson

Title: X-ray CT and deep learning for understanding long-term lung damage from Covid-19

16.25-16.40  Saikat Chatterjee

Title: Challenges in covid timeseries-based prediction and policy making

16.40-16.55  Sebastiaan Meijer

Title: Flows in health care: how C-19 proved the systems of systems character

16.55-17.00 Finale