More employees back on campus this autumn
From August 1, the idea is that more employees will be able to start working on campus again. Crowding and large groups are to be avoided in the workplace, to reduce the risk of the spread of the coronavirus and to avoid crowding.
“We are going to have to form new habits, be prepared to work more flexibly and to organise this as best we can, without compromising on a safe and secure workplace,” says Sigbritt Karlsson, President of KTH.
is based to an extent on an earlier decision on a return to on- campus education that the employees in agreement with their manager should work remotely or not. That differs from what most employees have done the past three months in accordance with Public Health Agency of Sweden recommendations. From 1 August, employees can, in agreement with their line manager, work remotely if and when their work tasks so permit.
Each manager will, at the same time, be responsible for careful planning to avoid crowding and to ensure social distancing can be maintained in the workplace.
“It is a case of coordinating and planning operations properly and using the lessons we have learnt during the spring. We all need to do our bit and take our personal responsibilities seriously,” says Karlsson.
The thinking is that virtual meetings should replace physical meetings when larger numbers are involved. Work trips should also be avoided if possible.
Work to prepare the workplace and buildings for the autumn term is now in full swing. This includes the provision of hand sanitiser, signs, distance marking, more intensive cleaning, plexiglass screens at counters etc.
“In consultation with the facilities managers at the schools, we are now preparing various measures to ensure students can feel safe when they return to campus,” says Maria Granath, Real Estate Manager, who adds, “we are going to provide information in various ways to remind people about the restrictions in place on group sizes and the need for social distancing that will hopefully make it easier for people who spend time on our campuses”.
Text: Jill Klackenberg.