In-depth analyses of Södertälje and Kista in the campus review

The in-depth analyses in the ongoing review of KTH's campuses are now complete.
The studies show in clear figures and facts what it may mean to move operations from the Södertälje and Kista campuses to the KTH Campus at Valhallavägen.
The summary reports are more detailed descriptions based on the SWOT analyses made before the summer when opportunities and risks as well as advantages and disadvantages of the move where identified. The analyses have been developed by working groups in the School of Industrial Engineering and Management and the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
"This leads to questions that bring the alternatives to a head about how we can best organize and thereby strengthen KTH's education and research for the future," says Mikael Lindström Deputy President who led the review.
Two ways
When it comes to the development of KTH's activities in Södertälje, there are, according to Mikael Lindström, two main ways to go. Either close down or to make substantial investments to reverse the trend and improve application pressure.
"What we know for sure is that we cannot continue as we are," says Mikael Lindström, who has visited Kista and Södertälje in recent weeks to collect questions and concerns from staff at the two campuses.
The in-depth report from the ITM school shows, among other things, that there are advantages to an integrated environment for education and research on the KTH Campus. At the same time, however, there is a need to invest in experimental environments, study areas and
learning environments in undergraduate education in order to maintain quality.
It is unclear how a move might affect the staffing situation. This requires a separate analysis of the economic situation, the working group suggests.
"Having the operations in Kista and Södertälje thoroughly analyzed from all the different perspectives is important and valuable and constitutes a very good basis for preparing the Board’s decision," says Mikael Lindström.
A different picture
For KTH's operations in Kista, the question is partly the same, but here it isa question of moving the operations to KTH Campus or through major investments, increasing the use of the Electrum lab and, among other things, recruiting new teachers.

In the in-depth analysis of EECS activities in Kista produced by the working group, a partly different picture is given, where it is feared that it will be crowded if all activities, students and staff are moved to Valhallavägen and in the final word it says "In the near future, KTH Campus Valhallavägen cannot offer an equivalent alternative for continued development while maintaining quality.
"Nothing has yet been decided. But we are working as quickly as possible based on the well-prepared analyses that have been made and I would like to thank everyone who has participated for a good dialogue," says Mikael Lindström.
The next step is to present the results of the analyses to the University Board on 4 October. After that, KTH's management group will prepare a proposal on which the board can make an decision on 22 November.
Text: Jill Klackenberg