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Review of KTH's campuses

Published Nov 25, 2020

Sigbritt Karlsson, good to catch up. You have just made the decision to commission a review of the five KTH campuses. What is the thinking behind this?

Portrait of Sigbritt Karlsson.
Sigbritt Karlsson, President of KTH-

“We want to see how we can make use of all the advantages of having different campuses give us, and optimise their use by ensuring each campus is and will continue to offer a complete academic environment with research, education and cooperation.”

The review will take the form of an Inquiry, headed by Erik Fahlbeck, who will submit an interim report in January and then present his final report by 31 March next year. What do you hope this will result in?

“That we gain a fuller understanding of how things work today and recommendations for how we can develop our unique position with five different campuses. This will benefit KTH in many different ways, such as when it comes to broader recruitment and cooperation with the public and private sectors in and around the campuses, which is something we aim to further develop.

How can the idea of “One KTH” be boosted?

“By identifying areas that are maybe doing their best but that can be developed even further by agreeing to concentrate certain activities on one campus, for example. Or that one campus needs an injection of resources to match the others, perhaps. The aim is for all campuses to have their own unique orientation while at the same time, have common ground in the form of a complete academic environment.”

But things work well today, don’t they?

“Yes, of course they do. But I think sometimes you get a sense of a sprawling effect. We must never rest on our laurels. A clearer structure can boost our competitiveness in many different ways.”

  Beslut om översyn av KTH:s fem campus (In Swedish) (pdf 800 kB)

Jill Klackenberg

Page responsible:Marianne Norén
Belongs to: Current
Last changed: Nov 25, 2020