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Mikael on continued working from home

Published Feb 04, 2021

Head of School Mikael Lindström writes about last week's KTH President’s decision that working from home is recommended until 31 March.

Yesterday, the coordination group consisting of the President, Deputy President, University Director, Vice President for education and the Head of Schools had a meeting. The group was formed to support the activities during the pandemic. Items that were raised were the President’s decision on remote working until 31 March, adjustment of the education for the spring term and planning of the autumn term, as well as notification of physical attendance to the Employers' Agency.

A short summary is that managers and employees should ensure that only those who must be on site for the operation to function, works on campus. Others must work from home. This applies until 31 March 2021. In other respects, operations are conducted in accordance with previous planning and decisions. KTH conducts some activities on site during the spring semester 2021 and this means that physical presence is required in many cases. The activities must be planned so that physical close contact and congestion are avoided. Coordination shall take place around common premises and public spaces where several units / corresponding employees are present at the same time.

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Planning for the autumn term will begin in the near future and the planning prerequisites are to be able to return to campus teaching with the freedom to choose the teaching method, and integrate the lessons the past year has given us.

The government has commissioned all government agencies to report physical presence at the workplace and a first compilation shows that approximately 80 percent of KTH's staff work remotely, which is comparable with other universities in Sweden. The CBH School has a higher physical presence as we have more laboratory activities. We can see that this has worked well with regard to the spread of infection as there are no signs of increased infection among CBH's staff. The restrictions seem to work well and we continue according to the guidelines each head of department and administrative manager has prepared for each employee.
