Amelie about measures to ensure financial balance
Head of School Amelie Eriksson Karlström writes about measures to ensure financial balance and how that affects CBH.
This week, KTH’s President has decided to take measures to ensure balanced finances, which you can read more about on KTH’s intranet. For us at CBH, an important part of this is to examine the possibilities to increase educational activities during the next academic year. It can be, for example, by admitting more students to the master’s programmes or offering additional courses and examination periods. During the coming month, we need to think about this together and bring out some concrete suggestions of where it can be possible to increase the educational activities in order to increase revenue.
At the same time, KTH needs to review how the premises are used, in order to decrease the costs in the long run. Deputy President Mikael Lindström will be submitting proposals on how to decrease the costs for the premises and will also investigate the consequences of future operational changes on KTH’s campuses. We really need to be creative here, and look at different possibilities impartially. For us at CBH, with several campuses, it is extra important to find solutions that not only save money but are positive for operational development. CBH’s management will stay in close contact with the Deputy President during this work, to ensure that it all turns out as well as possible for the future operational structure.