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Amelie about the employee survey

Published Mar 08, 2023

Head of School Amelie Eriksson Karlström writes about KTH's web-based employee survey and the results from the CBH School.

In February, all employees at the school had the opportunity to answer a web-based employee survey with about 20 short questions. It was the first of four surveys that will be sent out during the year to "take the pulse" of KTH's work environment. As you can read in an article in today's CBH News , the school's managers have now received the results from the employee survey and are working on the issues. Some of you have probably received information from your immediate managers already, for example at a workplace meeting, about how the results looked in your department.

The CBH School as a whole had a relatively good response rate and many employees who were satisfied with the working climate, but we have also identified areas and environments at the school that we will need to work on more. The idea of ​​the recurring measurements is to be able to follow the development over time and see what effect different interventions have. I am convinced that it provides a much better basis for the managers' work than if you only carry out single measurements and would therefore like to encourage everyone to try to take the time to respond to the employee pulse the next time it is time. The higher the response rate, the clearer we get a picture of what the school's working environment is like!
