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Supplier of lab material changes name in Wisum

Published Dec 15, 2021

On January 10, 2022, Merck Chemicals and Life Science AB and Sigma-Aldrich Sweden AB will be restructured, they will be consolidated and will go under the name Merck Life Science AB.

Sigma Aldrich closes its punch-out between 2021-12-31 and 2022-01-10. This means that we will not be able to use the punch-out during that time period. Make sure that orders are placed no later than 2021-12-30.

Avoid placing orders during the period 2021-12-31 to 2022-01-10. According to information, any orders placed during the period must be handled manually, which may take longer than normal.

Affected framework agreements at KTH

V-2018-0084 Chemicals for laboratory activities

V-2018-0085 Consumables for research laboratories

V-2018-0101 Equipment for research laboratories

Contact routes for Merck Life Science AB

Phone: +46 (0) 20 350 510
