Successful Inspirational day for students in Flemingsberg

How do you get students in Flemingsberg to feel that they are a part of KTH? Well, why not through creating an informative and unforgettable start to their time at KTH, with a well-thought-out programme for the students’ first two weeks, culminating with an inspirational day?
“The inspirational day has really started to take shape now, after a few years,” says Anders Cajander, Lecturer and Head of Division, who teaches several courses at campus Flemingsberg.
Together with the programme directors, he has planned the inspirational day who this year took place on the 29th of August. He was of course present during the day. The event was opened by Professor and vice Dean Sebastiaan Meijer, and Mats Nilsson, Director of First and Second Cycle Education at CBH. Almost 300 students were present.
“They got a historical overview of how KTH came to be, and information about exchange studies. They were also told about the academic and pedagogic excellence, about the school’s appropriate premises, and about the connection with the industry,” says Anders Cajander.

The students got to reflect on their own performance and learn more about study techniques. Then the student organisations got to present themselves, followed by a walk together – carrying the student union’s banner – to Fleminghallen sports center. There, the motto of the day “To study at a university can be compared to juggling many balls in the air”, was challenged when the students were actually taught how to juggle with balls by a professional juggler. “A memory for life,” said some of the participants.
During the afternoon, the students were divided by programme, with tailored activities. Among other activities, they got to meet alumni who talked about their journey from studies at KTH to landing a job and about how their education met up to the challenges in their work life. This year, there were alumni present from, among other companies, Google, Spotify, Ericsson, and Fortum.
“They say motivation is built on a faith in that what you do will lead somewhere, and that you will be able to manage it. We hope that the students will be able to answer yes to those two questions after the Inspirational day,” says Anders Cajander.
Text: Åsa Karsberg