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Mikael about the past year

Published Dec 17, 2020

Head of School Mikael Lindström writes about the past year with its challenges and progress. He also takes the opportunity to thank all colleagues at CBH for their fantastic work.

During the past year, our communications department has published 31 issues of CBH News. Many thanks to you! You are now reading the last CBH News of the year, a year that turned out to be very different. Already in CBH News # 3 on February 11, we write: “You are certainly informed about the situation with a new coronavirus originating in the province of Hubei in central China, which is not yet under satisfactory control. Experience in China shows that early action to prevent the spread of the virus is important. "

In CBH News # 6 on March 19, we write: "As this unprecedented situation develops, we will continue to be confronted with challenges in terms of logistics, social interaction, motivation and uncertainty. It will therefore be especially important to maintain regular contact with our employees even though we are not present at KTH."

We now have more of the facts and we think of all of you who have lost loved ones during the pandemic. With a record-breaking development of a vaccine, highly dependent on modern biotechnology and the technology that also won the Nobel Prize this year, we now hope to see the end of this pandemic next year.

Feel free to take a look at our 31 issues of CBH news in 2020 to see everything we have achieved despite the pandemic. These are heroic efforts in both education and research. We appreciate the commitment of all staff to provide students with the best possible education, at all levels; from introduction to doctoral education. Many thanks for that!

Despite the pandemic, operations continue and next year will begin with us breaking down CBH's assignment for 2021 in the operational plan decided by the President for 2021. We will discuss this with our management functions in January.

Finally, I would like to wish all employees a peaceful and pleasant Christmas holiday despite the pandemic. A big and heartfelt thank you for your excellent collaboration and all the extraordinary efforts during the year!
