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Mikael on KTH's operational plan 2022

Published Nov 25, 2021

Head of School Mikael Lindström writes about KTH's operational plan for next year and the allocation of funds to the CBH School.

This week, the KTH President made a decision on the operational plan for KTH in 2022. The operational plan is the result of the work that began with the President's dialogue with KTH's heads of schools at the end of last spring. The dean and vice dean participate in the dialogue to link the operational plan with the annual quality dialogues and the continuous follow-up. The initial dialogue was followed by a meeting for strategic advice at the beginning of the autumn, where the members discussed their assignments and future priorities. Before the meeting, all recipients of assignments and specified operational support provided feedback on the assignments given through the operational plan for 2021. Before the meeting, the vice-president, university director, vice-presidents and dean and vice-dean had the opportunity to submit proposals for possible new priority areas for the business plan in 2022.

During the autumn, KTH's management conducted individual dialogues with the respective school management, with a focus on the school's finances, strategic issues and priorities for the coming year. The draft operational plan is shared with representatives in two rounds during the autumn, in order to gather important views and reconcile the relevance and feasibility of the proposed assignments. The Vice-Chancellor then makes an overall assessment and decides on the areas and assignments that are to be prioritized in the coming years. The work with the operational plan is integrated with the annual budget work.

For the CBH School, we can see that the preliminary funding allocation for education at undergraduate and advanced level increases from SEK 159 million to SEK 176 million and the funding allocation for research and education at graduate level increases from SEK 240 million to SEK 250 million.

The CBH School is awarded strategic funding for:

  • Start-up allowance for teacher employment with SEK 2 million per year over a three-year period.
  • Center for data-driven health with SEK 500,000 per year during the period 2022–2023.
  • Multidisciplinary environment: sustainable and healthy food systems with SEK 5 million annually during 2022–2026.
  • Continuation of the investment in impact managers with SEK 600,000 per year 2022–2023.
  • Sabbath periods for teachers with SEK 600,000 per year 2022–2023.
  • More even gender distribution among KTH's professors by SEK 1 million over a two-year period.
