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Mikael on planning for autumn

Published Jun 11, 2020

Head of School Mikael Lindström informs about the ongoing work to plan ahead for the return to campus-based education this fall.

Dear colleagues,

During the week that passed, the CBH School has worked intensively in different groups, on how we can return to teaching on campus in August. KTH's president has decided that KTH will open for campus-based education in the autumn term of 2020 and students will gradually be given access to KTH's premises from Saturday, August 1st. Today, we have reconciled with CBH's prefects and our thoughts will be brought to KTH's education committee by our GA Mats Nilsson. The committee has a meeting on Thursday afternoon. On Friday, a framework will be issued regarding KTH's teaching, which we need to implement in the coming weeks so that everyone can have a well-deserved holiday before we meet our students this fall. Both here on campus but also digitally.

On Friday, the President will decide on adaptation of workplace placement activities in the autumn term of 2020, aiming to prevent the spread of covid-19. The decision prioritizes groups that need to be in place for teaching and for others, the recommendation of the Public Health Authority on distance work continues where possible.

We, together with the central HR unit and our own, will go through how we can provide support and guidance to managers, employees and safety representatives on work environment issues that arise in connection with measures to prevent the spread of covid-19. As it looks, we need to hold out for a while longer and this fall's challenge requires more coordination than the work we did in March – when everything was switched to digital and the student spaces were closed at KTH. We will provide more targeted information as soon as possible.
