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Mikael: Welcome back!

Published Aug 14, 2020

Head of school Mikael Lindström warmly welcomes all employees back after the summer and tells about the autumn's work at the CBH School.

Mikael Lindström
Mikael Lindström. Photo: Jann Lipka

I would like to warmly welcome everyone back, even if it is a different start to the autumn term than usual, during this ongoing pandemic. The return to work this autumn will be different as well, as we will continue with a mix of teleworking and being on site, which is done in consultation with your immediate manager. In any case, I hope you have had a great holiday and have been able to relax from the challenges we had this spring. For my own part, I had a home-holiday with lots of tennis, reading and boating in our beautiful archipelago.

The start-up has been intense with calls for the first year students in all our programs. To reduce the risk of infection spreading, the year groups were divided into smaller groups so that the students could keep their distance in the lecture halls. It was extra fun to meet them this year and see that a university needs its students on site in order to be real. We have prioritized physical presence for our beginners and taken measures to reduce the spread of infection, and now we all hope that we can continue to have students in place during the autumn. It all depends on how the spread of infection develops in society and we constantly follow the Swedish Public Health Agency's recommendations. Many, both students and staff, are deeply involved in welcoming the new students and make a fantastic effort. It is fun to see the enthusiasm during these weeks and we now hope that the new students are inspired to take on the studies even under the prevailing circumstances.

On 20 August, the school's management team will meet for a full day via zoom to begin work and discussions on the 2021 operations assignment, popularly known as the Principal's contract. We will discuss new faculty positions at CBH and we will be able to announce approximately three to five new positions per year, if our ambition is to maintain the current size of our faculty. Furthermore, we worked with concrete activities linked to our development plan and we will report these at our university meetings and in management groups, etc.


Students by a tent outside.
This autumn, the new students were welcomed outside at KTH Campus. Photo: Jon Lindhe