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New routine for admission of doctoral students

Published Mar 26, 2020

On March 1, the CBH School initiated a process referred to as "Greenlight process" as a preparatory step for recruitment of doctoral and licentiate students. There will be a trial process between March 1 and April 30, and the process will formally start on May 1, 2020.

What is the Greenlight process?

Before recruiting a new doctoral student a form needs to be completed (Greenlight form) that provides a basis for decision by the head of school to give approval (green light) for initiating the recruitment process. A copy of the financial plan is attached as an appendix to the Greenlight form. If a licentiate student is to be recruited, an additional appendix is required with a motivation for the intended degree.

Why do we implement the process?

In 2019, KTH revised the process for admission to third-cycle education, and as part of the updated process, the schools are recommended to make sure they secure (and document) that all forms of resources are secured before initiating the recruitment process, e.g. supervisors, financial resources, study environment etc.

How to proceed

If you plan to recruit a doctoral student after March 1, contact the third-cycle administrator for the doctoral program to receive the necessary forms. When the completed forms and appendices have been submitted to the administrator, FA/vice FA and the head of department will evaluate the Greenlight documentation and make a recommendation for decision to the of school.

Please note that the process is not intended to disqualify anyone from recruiting a doctoral student, but to meet the recommendations regarding recruitment and admission of students to third-cycle education at KTH.

Read more: Doctoral student admission process at CBH