Programme Directors wanted at CBH
The School of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health is looking for Programme Directors for:
Master's Programme in Chemical Engineering for Energy and the Environment (TKEMM)
Master's Programme in Molecular Science and Engineering (TMVTM)
The School of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health (CBH) is looking for Programme Directors (PA) for the above programs among all the school's teachers (anyone with a teaching position can apply for all PA assignments, but applicants with teaching experience on the program are given priority). The assignment as Programme Director is decided on four years at a time. The announcement applies to the mandate period 2023-01-01 – 2026-12-31.
Job description
A PA's duties include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Development: Continuous program development work based on and the program goals, participate in meetings with the Director of First and Second Cycle Education, other PAs, program administrators, study advisors, teachers and student representatives, participate in the school's first and second cycle education meetings, prepare for and participate in internal and external program evaluations, etc.
- Implementation: Assess and merit-evaluate applications from international students including scholarship nominations, admit new students, arrange program advice and maintain close contact with examiners and teachers within the program, update education plans (once a year), credit courses (ongoing), collaborate with other PAs when students change programs, meetings with students within PA's program for academic guidance, checking schedules, writing certificates and letters of reference, cooperating with PAs on other campuses, etc.
- Recruitment: Update information on the program's website and in printed materials, represent the program at recruitment fairs, etc.
The background to the announcement is that the current PA for the programs has asked to resign. Anyone interested in becoming a PA for one or both of the current programs must send a brief application containing:
- Current employment: Subject and department.
- Previous experience in operation and development of programs and courses.
- What opportunities and challenges you foresee being a PA for the applied program.
Send your application to the CBH school's Director of First and Second Cycle Education ( ) no later than 30 October 2022. Candidates will then be interviewed by a group consisting of GA and student representatives. The group then nominates a candidate after which the Head of School makes a decision.