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How the recent re-exam period worked out online

Published Apr 22, 2020

Last week KTH held their latest re-exam period. Due to the coronavirus situation, the exams had to be given online through Zoom. Pelle Dalhammar, education manager at CBH, gives his thoughts from the re-exam period.

How do you think last week's re-exams developed?

– On the whole, things have gone well. During the week we learned how to do certain things. In the first exams, some things were not yet in place.

Portrait of Pelle Dalhammar.

Pelle Dalhammar.

How have the exams been carried out?

– The students received access to the exams in our learning platform, Canvas. At times, the students answered directly through a quiz in Canvas. At other times, they photographed and uploaded their handwritten answers. In parallel with this, they have been in a Zoom session where they were supervised by an invigilator, and the students had the opportunities to ask questions to the examiner or teacher.

What technical challenges did you have?

– Settings in Zoom that affect stability. Unstable internet connections in some cases. Also lack of familiarity with features in Zoom, such as break out rooms.

You went out to school widely and asked for digital invigilators. How was the response?

– Good. Everyone who signed up did not have to serve. It was also a trade-off in how many we managed to instruct and coordinate.

How has the response from teachers been?

– Mixed. Some teachers will definitely prepare an oral exam instead. Others are satisfied. But everyone probably realizes that we cannot make cheating impossible with this kind of exams.

Is there anything you already know that you can do differently for the next exam period?

– The ID check will not work the same way. If an equal proportion of the exams will be monitored, many more will definitely have to act as invigilators. The next period includes many more students and more exams. Most colleagues should be prepared to in such cases have to watch for one or more occasions. Zoom-responsible teachers will probably need to be appointed at the departments. For these, there will be good guidance and the opportunity to prepare in a different way than we did in the previous period.