How to create inclusive hybrid meetings

Hybrid meetings – when some attend the meeting in the same room and some join via for example Zoom – can be a challenge. A group at CBH have produced some general advice for how to make these meetings work better and be more inclusive. Lena Niemi Birgersdotter, HR officer with focus on Occupational Health and Safety, tells us more.
What is so special about a hybrid meeting?
“That some people see each other in person in a meeting room, they can use body language and whisper to one another during the meeting. That makes it difficult for the persons attending the meeting via Zoom.”
What is an inclusive hybrid meeting?
“Those who attend the meeting via Zoom often find themselves less included. We would like to change that. If you follow the advice, you will also include men and women in a more equal way and include people with physical or cognitive impairments.”
Vilka är ni som har tagit fram de här riktlinjerna/råden?
“After the Gender Equality, Diversity and Equal Opportunities course this spring, some of us at the Administrative support started a group that will work with inclusion.”
Do you have some short advice for an inclusive meeting?
- Plan the meeting in advance.
- Make sure that someone in the physical meeting room keeps an extra eye on those attending via Zoom.
- Make sure that the all the technical equipment works before the meeting starts.
- Make sure everyone is seen and heard in the meeting.
- Use the breaks for small talk for the physical attendees only.
You can find the advice for inclusive hybrid meetings here .