Three new framework agreements

Do you need to procure appliances or office supplies? New framework agreements take effect in October.
A new framework agreement has been in effect for appliances and household appliances since October. The supplier is the company Hela Köket Stockholm. The agreement also includes machine servicing. Those authorized to make purchases can place orders for goods and services through Wisum.
A new framework agreement has also been in effect for office supplies since October. Goods are primarily ordered from Lyreco Sverige, followed by AllOffice Nordic. Those authorized to make purchases can place orders through Wisum.
Since June, a new framework agreement has been in effect for AV consultants. In the first instance, engage Aktiebolaget AV-rådgivaren, and in the second instance, Team TSP. Do you have questions about the framework agreement or wish to place an order? Contact Mats Åhrman at KTH ITA.