Update your course website

On March 15, 2022, a new search service was launched for further education. This is part of Lifelong Learning expanding at KTH and means that the Course and programme directory will get more visitors.
Course web page
The new search service retrieves all the information from the Course and programme directory, also called ”About the course”. The schools will also start marketing the courses and will, doing so, link to the course pages in the Course and programme directory. That means you will have many more visitors on your courses page which is why it is important that the information is correct and updated.
Check list for course owners
1. About the course
It is very important to keep the course description updated. This is what visitors meet via the new search service. You need a good and selling description of the course and what you will learn. It’s also a good idea to add something about how what you will learn in the course relates to the labour market.
The text will be added by examiner via ”Administer About course” and the function ”Introduction to the course”. During spring 2022, this will change so that the education administrators will also be able to change the description.
If you need help with a selling description, please contact the communications unit.
2. Keywords
You need to add keywords for the course. This will help visitors on external web pages like antagning.se to find your course via free text search. Maximum 15 keywords per course. The keywords are written in KOPPS. The words should be sent to the educations administrator when the course is about to be established. You can also send an email to LLL@cbh.kth.se
3. Other information
On the course web site there is also information that is retrieved from KOPPS. Check if the information on your course page is correct or needs to be updated. The updates can be made by the education officer or you can email LLL@cbh.kth.se.
Would you like to market your LLL course?
If you want to market your Lifelong Learning course – contact the communications unit at CBH or fill in this form (only in Swedish):
The communications unit will help you produce marketing material.