Well-visited first Open house in Flemingsberg
What is decisive when students choose university and education? For many, it’s being able to talk to students and staff on site at the university. Therefore, for the first time ever, Open house was arranged in Flemingsberg.
On Monday evening of March 25 , Open house was arranged at KTH Flemingsberg, which was the first time ever since all eductation programmes moved into the new building on Hälsovägen. I advance, it was impossible to say if there would be eight or 80 visitors, but soon it proved to become a good level of visitors.
Around 60 visitors came to listen to a lecture, meet students and staff and receive a tour of the building. There were no entire classes present, instead, there were individually interested high school pupils and people with a direct interest in our educations.
First, the visitors received a lecture from our director of first and second cycle education Mats Nilsson, about KTH as a whole and the educations in Flemingsberg. Then, they got to meet all first and second cycle educations with staff and students, where the visitors had the opportunity of asking more detailed questions about e.g. course content, admission and future opportunities.
Nine students from all first and second cycle educations in Flemingsberg, worked as guides. Among other things, they took the visitors on a tour of the building. On floor 6, teachers Mattias Mårtensson and Ibrahim Orhan held well-visited workshops in Medicial Engineering, and Computer Engineering respectively.
The two-hour evening ended in the student union location Rudan, where visitors in addition to soft drinks, got the chance of mingling with students under relaxed circumstances. Hopefully, many of them thought it was so pleasant the they will apply to KTH i the autumn. The application for the autumn semester closes on April 15.
Text: Kenneth Carlsson
Participating programmes:
Computer Engineering 180 hp
Electrical Engineering 180 hp
Medical Engineering 300 hp
Medical Engineering 180 hp
Engineering and Economics 180 hp
Engineering foundation year/semester 60/30 fup