Welcome Anna Höglund Rehn

CBH's new Management Secretary who will work as secretary to the Faculty Board and as management support to the school management.
Where do you come from?
"I have been an administrative coordinator at SciLifeLab, which means that I have worked as a secretary in SciLifeLab's board and as support to SciLifeLab's management."
What do you bring to CBH from your time at SciLifeLab?
"It's not just from SciLifeLab. All my working life I've been involved in administration, governance and organisational issues. So I bring with me a long experience of decision-making, protocol and organisation."
What are your expectations for your new job and your new workplace?
"To continue to develop is an expectation and to build together a strong, clear and transparent organisation. As an administrator, I have to be square to a certain extent, but also pragmatic to make the organisation work, even if it can make my work a bit more complicated."
What made you decide to come to CBH?
"Firstly, it's fun and interesting to be involved in building up the faculty board organisation at the schools. Then somewhere I close the circle of my professional life at KTH. At the beginning of my time at KTH, I worked with the recruitment of teachers in chemistry and biotechnology."
What do you like about your job in general?
"I like to keep the administration running smoothly. The core business should just work and the administration should not really be noticed. I've stayed at KTH for 25 years in a lot of different places, which is really fun. I combine social sciences with natural sciences and get the best of both, by being a social scientist in a natural science environment."
Text: Sabina Fabrizi