Operational support moves together in new premises

At the beginning of November, most of the CBH's operational support moved into new premises.
The move is intended to increase community and cooperation and to reduce the cost of premises.
Since November 4, parts of the operational support have been gathered in new premises at Teknikringen 26. The Management Office, Education Office, and staff from HR, Finance and Communication are now together in a corridor adjacent to the Chemistry Department on floor 6.
“The main purpose of the move was to bring the various operational support functions closer together and benefit from each other's expertise. There will be shorter ways to solve problems. Often, an issue is not so narrow that it belongs only in one subject area, but you can help each other to solve the issues across the borders,” says CBH's head of department Marie Larson.
Reduces the cost of premises
Another aim of the co-location was to reduce the cost of premises.
“But we also use nice, newly renovated premises that were built and renovated for the Department for an activity that was not using them. We thought it was a good opportunity for us because we have not been able to do this well before,” Larson says.
At the same time, the newly formed Infrastructure and Services group has also been co-located at Teknikringen 50, on the ground floor.
Coming closer together
Business support at the other three CBH campuses is not affected by the co-location. The staff there already work together in shared premises. According to Marie Larson, the hope is that the change of premises at Teknikringen will bring the operational support closer to each other and the school's core activities, and that it will be more fun to go to work.
“We noticed that already on the first day. As soon as we came inside the walls of the department, we felt closer. We could more easily poke our heads in and have lunch together. We chatted in the corridor and in the shared kitchen and made contact with colleagues we might not have seen before because we stayed in our respective groups. We share a kitchen with the organization and move naturally in their corridors and we hope that this feeling will spill over to other departments,” Larson says.
Text: Sabina Fabrizi