Digital Math: constructive solution of the grand challenges in aerodynamics, general science, education and industry
Time: Mon 2020-02-03 10.00
Location: V21, Teknikringen 72, floor 4
Participating: Johan Jansson, Computational Science and Technology, EECS
We present the Digital Math framework as the foundation for modern science based on constructive digital mathematical computation. The computed result (coefficient vector, FEM function, plot, etc.) is a mathematical theorem, and the mathematical Open Source code, here in the FEniCS framework, and computation is the mathematical proof. Additional constructive proofs can also be derived from the FEniCS and FEM formulation, such as stability.
Based on the Digital Math framework and the FEniCS realization, we present solutions to some of the grand challenges in science, education and industry:
1. The Direct FEM Simulation (DFS) methodology in Unicorn/FEniCS together with predictions of the most advanced benchmarks available, unlocking the grand challenge of turbulence and aerodynamics.
2. Today many students lose motivation entirely for mathematics by high school, this is one of the key problems in society. The DigiMat pedagogic methodology from pre-school to university and professionals creates motivation and learning. Students learn the simple algorithms for predicting the mathematical models describing the world, by playing and constructing games. The DigiMat project is supported by the Swedish Innovation Agency Vinnova, and is carried out in collaboration with child pedagogic researchers at Stockholm University, and several schools in Sweden.
3. The technical industries are successively becoming digitalized and automated, meaning that mathematical modeling software will soon dominate the entire activity and value of the industry. The Digital Math Open Source code ensures a scientific and mathematical basis for the industry, and allows a Linux-type ecosystem of companies with positive synergy. We present such a commercial example, supported by IVA Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences and the Swedish Innovation Agency Vinnova.