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Record keeping and archiving

Certain documents and information (records) which are created, incoming to or outbound from EECS need to be registered in the record keeping system W3D3 and then placed in the school archives. This allows for easy tracing of documents and makes information sharing easier.

Record keeping is done by an EECS administrator. Support is provided by the school's record coordinator. Records are then placed in the EECS archives by the record coordinator.

Examples of documents to be recorded and archived:

  • Protocols
  • Research applications, grants and rejections
  • Decisions
  • Contracts and agreements

Registry series in W3D3

The school has the prefix J which means diary numbers start with J, for example J-2019-0063. The prefix corresponds with the school’s code in Agresso.


There are a number of qualified administrators and registrars at the school. For questions reagrding permissions, contact 


TRITA series used at EECS are:

  • TRITA-EECS-AVL-2017:15 (for thesis/licentiate thesis)
  • TRITA-EECS-EX-2017:15 (for degree projects)
  • TRITA-EECS-RP-2017:15 (for reports)

If you have questions about record keeping or archiving, contact: