Apply for ERC Advanced grants
A new call for ERC Advanced grants was published on 20 January 2022, with a deadline for submission on 28 April 2022. If you plan to submit a proposal within this call, you are most welcome to participate in this information meeting and workshop given by RSO.
Time: Thu 2022-03-10 09.30 - 11.30
Location: Zoom
Language: English
Participating: KTH Research Support Office
During the event, we will discuss the call conditions and requirements, look through proposal templates, and answer your questions concerning eligibility criteria, evaluation process, budgets, and other formalities. This session will be held in Zoom, and a link will be sent to registered participants beforehand.
Sign up for the meeting by sending an e-mail to Jeanna Ayoubi via .
Note! If you are interested in the topic of this event but are not able to participate, please contact the Research Support office so that we can provide you support needed in due time.