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Artistic Research Ethics – research between vulnerability and empowerment

The tightening of the ethical review legislation that has taken place in recent years has evoked concerns and great uncertainty among researchers in many fields, not least in artistic research. What can be subject to research and how? Welcome to this seminar on artistic research and research ethics on 23 November!

Time: Thu 2023-11-23 10.00 - 16.00

Location: KTH Campus, Brinellvägen 8

Language: English

Participating: Swedish Research Council and KTH

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Ethical review of research has been extensively debated over the past year. The Swedish ethical review authority and its way of implementing the legislation has been in focus, especially the strict requirement for ethical review of all research regardless of discipline. While the legislation was developed based on medical research on humans, in the Swedish research context it applies to all research "on humans, human tissue or sensitive personal data". Seen in an international perspective, this is unique.

The Swedish Research Council organized a symposium on artistic research ethics already in 2016, which culminated in a yearbook on the theme (2017). Much has happened since then, and there is a great need to draw attention both to ethical questions raised and initiatives being taken in artistic research and in neighboring fields.

Deadline of registration to participate on site is 15 November.

Register here


09.30 Registration and coffee

10.00 Introduction by Katja Grillner, Head of Deptartment, KTH Arkitektur, and Maria Hellström Reimer, scientific adviser, Swedish Research Council.

Session I – Artistic research ethics

10.15 Research Ethics or Ethical Research: Moral tension in artistic research – An interim report on observation study of the assessment process within artistic research.

Speaker: Tobias Olofsson, researcher, Deptartment of Sociology at Lunds University.

10.40 Language, ethics, and design research

Speaker: Martin Avila, designer, researcher and professor of Design at Konstfack, the University of Arts, Crafts and Design.

11.05 Ethics review and arts-based research – an administrative perspective.

Speaker: Fredrik Karlsson, Research Ethics Adviser at KTH.

11.30 Intertwinements – Ethics in Art and Research.


  • Ylva Hofvander Trulsson, Professor in Aesthetic Didactics at Stockholm University of the Arts.
  • Kristina Hagström Ståhl, visiting associate professor in Theatre and Performance Studies.

11.55 Panel discussion 1

Moderator: Cecilia Sjöholm

12.30 Lunch sandwich

Session 2: Ethical challenges in practice

13.30 Awareness of “ethical mirroring” within artistic and scientific research projects

Speaker: Eva Bojner Horwitz, Professor in Music and Health and Associate Professor in Social Medicin at Royal College of Music, Stockholm.

13.45 When aesthetics becomes ethics in academic and creative writing.

Speaker: Hanna Hallgren, poet and senior lecturer at Linneaus University.

14.00 Listening with elephant ears: Appealing for care in ethics review.

Speaker: Hugo Boothby, doctoral candidate in media and communication studies, Malmö University, School of Arts and Communication.

14.15 More-than-human ethics and extra- humanities in practice.

Speaker: Cecilia Åsberg, Professor at Tema Genus at Linköping University.

14.30 Panel discussion 2: Ethical challenges and ethical approval in praxis.
Moderator: Carl Unander-Scharin

15.00 Coffee

Session 3: Good Research Practice – how do we best support it?

15.15 Panel discussion 3:

Moderator: Maria Hellström Reimer.


  • Maria Göransdotter, Associate Professor in Design History and Design Theory at Umeå University.
  • Jesper Lundgren, Senior Lecturer and Head of Department, Academy of Music and Drama at University of Gothenburg.
  • Pernilla Hagbert, Researcher, Deptartment of Urban Planning and Environment at KTH Royal College of Technology.