Help with publishing, data management and analysis
At KTH Library, co-workers assist researchers in data management, publishing, researcher IDs, and bibliometrics.

Guidance for publishing
The library assists you throughout the entire publication process, for example, in matters related to the choice of publishing channels, publication lists, DiVA, and posting your thesis. Here, you can also receive support in handling requirements from research financiers and copyright issues (both your own and how to use others' materials)
Manage research data
At the library, the support function KTH Research Data is available to assist you with various questions regarding research data, ranging from planning to publishing, FAIR principles, data management plans, and data quality.
Support pages for research data
Bibliometrics and analysing research
Biblioteket conducts bibliometric analyses on behalf of KTH's leadership, but can also create customized analyses based on your specific inquiries. Contact the Bibliometrics Group if you have questions about bibliometrics or need assistance with bibliometric analyses.