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Research data

Research data is all the data that is collected or created within a research project. Examples of research data is numbers such as measurements and statistics, text such as interview transcripts or survey answers, images such as photographs or maps, different types of video material, or software code.

Upcoming events about research data

All data produced within a research project is research data. This data is necessary to validate research results, and should be available to be reviewed and re-used. In some cases, it is also important to make sure that only authorized persons can access data. Funding agencies and journals sometimes have requirements for planning, handling and publishing of research data, and this has recently become more common. Research data management at KTH should be done according to the KTH guidelines on managing research data .

The FAIR principles

The FAIR principles are basic principles for handling research data. FAIR stands for Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable, meaning that research data should be managed so that it is possible to find them, access them, use them together with other data and other software, and reuse them for other research. 

Read more about The FAIR principles in detail .

Data management plan

A data management plan is a useful tool for improving data management in the early stages of a research project. Read more about Data management plans.

Data quality

Data quality is of utmost importance when handling, organizing, and structuring your data. Here, you can watch a short video about the aspects that must be addressed concerning data quality.

Share your data

To maximize visibility and usefulness of your research data, you can often make them openly accessible. Read more at Share and publish research data

Legal considerations

There are a number of legal considerations for research data management. Read more on Legal aspects regarding research data

Learn more about research data management

Open Science and Research Data Management

In this course for KTH employees, you can learn more about open science and data management. The course is available on Canvas learning platform and requires login with your KTH account. It is conducted in English, and you can proceed at your own pace.

Access the course: Open Science and Research Data Management

If you are interested in learning more about research data management, there is a web-based course available for all KTH staff and students in Canvas.

If you are a doctoral student, contact your supervisor to see if you can get credits approved for the course in your individual study plan (ISP) . The course is also given in a blended-learning format as a part of the course offering for leaders for strategic research collaborations .

The Research data team

Research data management issues are complex, and require support from different parts of the KTH research support services. The Research data team was created to coordinate research data management issues, create a better infrastructure for research data management at KTH and support researchers establish good data management practices. The Research data team is a collaboration between the KTH Archive, library, IT department, Research Support Office (RSO) and Parallelldatorcentrum (PDC).