New faculty in digitalisation
The KTH Digitalisation Platform regularly presents one new KTH faculty in the digitalisation area in every internal newsletter. Feel free to forward suggestions to the platform directors.
New researcher presentations
- Ioana-Oriana Bercea new assistant professor in Algorithms and Complexity at the KTH Division of Theo
- Farzin Golzar new assistant professor in AI-powered renewable energy technologies
- Ruoli Wang new assistant professor in biomechanics
- Seraina Dual new assistant professor in biomedical signal processing
- William Usher new assistant professor in integrated systems analysis for sustainable development
- Artur Podobas new assistant professor in high-performance computing
- Lina Rahm new assistant professor in the history of media and environment
- Adam Darwich new assistant professor in health systems engineering
- Martina Scolamiero new assistant professor in mathematics
- Yongkuk Jeong (Jake) new assistant professor in production logistics
- Michele Simoni new assistant professor in transport systems analysis
- Qianwen Xu new assistant professor in sustainable power systems and microgrids
- Mats Persson new assistant professor in photon-counting spectral x-ray computed tomography
- Sanna Kuoppamäki new assistant professor within digital transformation in ageing societies research