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KTH Energy Dialogue awards three winners in this year’s poster competition

Energy Dialogue 2023 were Malin Pehrs, Ronald Mauricio Lara Prado and Elina Charatsidou
Photo: Magnus Glans. The winners of the poster competition during KTH Energy Dialogue 2023 were Malin Pehrs, Ronald Mauricio Lara Prado and Elina Charatsidou
Published Dec 13, 2023

KTH Energy Dialogue wrapped up with an award ceremony for a poster competition that was held during the day. After reviewing some 30 entries, the jury named the three winners: Ronald Mauricio Lara Prado, Malin Pehrs, and Elina Charatsidou.

Lara Prado works at the Department of Chemical Engineering and his entry was entitled: Pyrolysis of Biomass Residues .

Pehrs is also at the Department of Chemical Engineering and submitted her poster: How to Realize the Swedish Potential for Negative Emissions from BECCS .

Charatsidou is a PhD student at the Division of Nuclear Engineering and showed her poster entitled Advanced Nuclear Fuel Research and Development.

The three lucky winners won a day’s communication training at VA (Public & Science) , an independent Swedish non-profit membership organisation that works to promote dialogue and openness between researchers and the public. 

This year’s jury included Cissi Askwall, National Co-ordinator at the Swedish Research Council, Francesco Fuso-Nerini, Director KTH Climate Action Centre, and last year’s winner Elise Farah, PhD student at the Department of Chemical Engineering.

“For me, the communication training meant a lot, especially when it comes to explaining my research to people who are not especially familiar with my field. It made it possible for me to tell my grandparents what I do,” Farah said.

During KTH Energy Dialogue 2023, a poster competition was held where the winners were rewarded with
Photo: Magnus Glans. During KTH Energy Dialogue 2023, a poster competition was held where the winners were rewarded with communication training at Vetenskap & Allmänhet.

Text: Magnus Trogen Pahlén

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Belongs to: Research
Last changed: Dec 13, 2023