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Resilience and innovation: Fall showed the way for energy security, digitalisation and collaboration

Photo: Magnus Glans. One of the autumn events for the KTH Energy Platform was a joint workshop with the KTH Digitalisation Platform.
Published Dec 12, 2023

The autumn term provided opportunities for knowledge exchange and dialogues for new collaborations within the framework of the KTH Energy Platform. These included new collaborations between KTH’s various research platforms, visits from French energy researchers and leading international climate experts, and a visit to northern Sweden.

Hi there, Lina Bertling Tjernberg, KTH Energy Platform Director. A year characterised by geopolitical uncertainty is now drawing to a close. How do you look back on the past 12 months?

“Many of the events we’ve seen around the world are appalling and difficult to take in, and it’s very easy to get depressed by the news flow. But my attitude is that we must continue to move forward and try to focus on our work – we can contribute to solutions that take us forward – despite everything that’s happening. And there are more areas we need to prioritise, like cyber security and the development of more circular ways of working.

“Throughout history, there are many examples of how crises bring about innovative ideas, where different kinds of limitations of materials or of money demand new ways of thinking for us to move forward. This is also one of the reasons why we chose the theme of energy security and resilience for this year’s KTH Energy Dialogue.

“This was the fifth year that I was responsible for organising the KTH Energy Dialogue.  It’s clear how the event has developed into an important meeting place for researchers as well as representatives from business and wider society.

Planning for a packed schedule of spring events and meetings is already well underway. Would you like to mention some of the upcoming highlights for the KTH Energy Platform?

“Two years ago, we organised a seminar at the Swedish parliament, the Riksdag, together with Rifo,  Bringing Together MPs and Researchers, about the importance of electrification to achieve the climate goals. The seminar provided input for the government’s electrification strategy, and we invited researchers from all over the country to contribute their expertise. I have now initiated a follow-up seminar at the Riksdag in which we want to look at what’s happened since we last met and give an update on the latest developments in the sector. Hopefully, our discussions and co-operation will make an important contribution to the government’s current policy work.

“In addition, together with three other research platforms, we plan to start work on a roadmap for KTH on batteries. The aim of the initiative is to ensure KTH is better equipped to meet the challenges associated with the entire battery value chain: from raw materials, production, the use phase, all the way to recycling.

“This is still at the planning stage, but we also hope to host a seminar on hydrogen with several established groups, including the PUSH research centre.  The aim is to highlight the role of hydrogen for future transport, including for trucks and aircraft. We hope to develop a closer collaboration with Luleå University of Technology, which runs several exciting hydrogen projects. Something we saw first-hand during the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences’s (IVA) technology field trip  in which I participated on behalf of the Academy.

IVA’s technology field trip is just one example of everything that happened with KTH Energy Platform during the autumn; what else would you like to highlight?

“In October, we hosted the French-Swedish research days that this year focused on the future of nuclear energy. The two-day conference was opened by KTH’s Vice Chancellor and France’s ambassador to Sweden, Etienne de Gonneville. In September, we held a joint workshop  with KTH Digitalisation Platform  entitled “Data-driven methods with energy applications”. In addition, we made several school visits, the most recent of which was to the Division of Process Technology at the School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health." Perfecting the chemical transformation of biogenic waste into valuable products

“We made a lot of school visits during the autumn term. It’s always so inspiring to visit research colleagues and have the opportunity to hear about their fantastic projects and laboratory activities: these are the core of our activities in research and education. You can read articles about previous school visits in our news archive .

“At the start of term, we held an open discussion about the very real impacts of climate change on us  and society as a whole with KTH Industrial Transformation Platform , KTH Climate Action Centre  and KTH Navet.

“Next year, we’ll be making some changes to how we develop collaborations internally between researchers at KTH, and externally with business. We believe that research is vital in creating a robust bridge to the business world, and to build up training programmes that will meet the enormous need for skills that exists in the energy sector.

“Lastly, I’d like to encourage all my KTH colleagues to make the most of the upcoming holiday season for a well-deserved rest. We all need to be refreshed to take on different challenges at full strength and with the courage they demand. Don’t give up hope even if the news from the outside world is so grim. Together, we will continue to move forward by focusing on what we do best: research for a better future.” 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from KTH Energy Platform!

As told to: Magnus Trogen Pahlén

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Belongs to: Research
Last changed: Dec 12, 2023