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X production systems: Enablers for sustainable transformation?

Sustainable Transformation Seminars

The Sustainable Transformation Seminars spring 2023 series first seminar is held by speaker Sara Linderson, with the title "X production systems: Enablers for sustainable transformation?". The format is 25 minutes presentation and 20 minutes of guided and open discussion with a KTH moderator/host.

Time: Fri 2023-04-14 12.15 - 13.00

Location: Zoom

Language: English

Participating: Sara Linderson, Industrial Phd, KTH-AstraZeneca

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The Sustainable Transformation Seminars spring 2023 series is held monthly, usually on a Friday. The seminar series will continue to be online.

Seminar description

Companies have invested considerable resources in implementing lean production and mimicking the Toyota Production System in the past four decades. Since lean is today understood as a more holistic operating system involving all company areas and resources, company-specific(X) production systems have become attractive to research. Beyond the more tangible assets, such as conceptualizing the production system (e.g. house-shaped model), companies develop advanced methods for implementation to deploy the XPS within multiple production sites. This seminar will elaborate on the XPS phenomenon, the benefits and challenges with multi-site implementation and discuss how XPS may or may not enable a sustainable transformation towards a new operations strategy. The session intends to inform the audience on the challenges of mobilizing multiple production sites under one same improvement umbrella and explain why lean research may still be relevant.


Sara Linderson, Industrial PhD student at AstraZeneca Sweden Operations in Södertälje

A woman with dark hair and a green blouse.
Sara Linderson. Photo: AstraZeneca

Sara Linderson  is an industrial Ph.D. student at AstraZeneca Sweden Operations in Södertälje. She obtained an MSc in Pharmacy from the Uppsala Unversity in 2013. She worked as a registered pharmacist before starting to work at AstraZeneca in 2017 as a quality assurance officer. In 2018, she started her Ph.D. project focusing on corporate lean management, particularly on the level of standardization of methods and performance improvements. At a later stage, she has a more extensive focus on how sustainability strategies are executed with the same methods for XPS implementation.

Connection to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

SDG12 – Responsible consumption and production
The successful implementation of XPS (based on lean principles) improves resource efficiency and decreases the excessive use of people's time and material without losing productivity.

SDG13 – Climate action
Rapid execution of science-based targets and other sustainability strategies requires wise use of existing structures, such as the one for XPS implementation.

Contact: Sara Linderson,

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