Seminars archive
Every spring and autumn, four Sustainable Transformation seminars are held.
- Beyond Anthropocentric Design
- Multi-agent research in automotive
- Characterisation of the digital transformation in manufacturing: A business model perspective
- Strategies for fossil freedom
- Role of digitalisation in implementing circular manufacturing systems
- Ecodesign in product development: An important aspect for sustainable transformation
- X production systems: Enablers for sustainable transformation?
- Metallic Additive Manufacturing: excitements and barriers
- Human-Robot collaboration: Myth or reality?
- Digital servitization for sustainability - From stumbling blocks to stepping stones
- How the advancements in manufacturing automation are shaping a greener future
- Digital organizational readiness: Experiences from manufacturing companies
- Transforming the chemical industry to be sustainable: Can it be done?
- Embedding circular concepts in a product: Does it sound easy?
- Data-driven bottlenecks analysis in factory
- Factories of tomorrow: Product manufacturing and value production
- Data-informed approaches for eco-efficient production
- Going digital? Lean augmentation by Japanese manufacturers
- AI-Based Sustainable Development
- Business and Technology Shift Towards Sustainable Transformation
- Planning and scheduling with reinforcement learning
- Seminar: Exploring the nature and antecedents of employee green behaviours in a supply chain context
- Sustainable Transformation Seminars: Four futures - One choice