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About the seminars

The Sustainable Transformation Seminars are specifically about initiatives focusing on industrialisation of new products and services for a sustainable society, connecting disciplines across KTH.

At KTH there are many local initiatives and research efforts in the area of sustainable transformation. The seminar series is intended to highlight these initiatives and enhance the knowledge about them more widely, both at KTH and internationally.

Another goal is to create a platform for multidisciplinary collaboration and enhanced interaction and understanding between different disciplines – something that can greatly improve the chances for industrial and social transformation to become a reality. This opportunity for KTH's researchers and collaborators to access a long-term seminar series can be a starting point for such collaborations.

Within this area there are many topics that are multidisciplinary by nature. The theme of sustainable production alone ties together areas such as materials, construction, production, digitization, as well as collaborations and business models.


Initiators are Martin Törngren, from the ITM school's IRIS initiative, ICES (KTH Center) and the Industrial Transformation Platform, and Monica Bellgran who leads the Industrial Transformation Platform.

We look forward to several initiatives getting involved!

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Belongs to: KTH Intranet
Last changed: Sep 06, 2023