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Open research call for proposals on sustainable aviation

Application deadline: 31 March 2019

Published Feb 04, 2019

KTH Centre for Sustainable Aviation (CSA) opens their research call for 2019 of available funds of 18 MSEK in the research areas of: air traffic management and flight paths, noise exposure and disturbances in proximity of airports, and aviation in a system perspective.

See full text of CSA call 2019 in pdf-format (pdf 194 kB)  or on

Who can apply?

Companies, public organisations and universities are invited to apply. Each application must have a main applicant who is responsible and receives the grant.

Available funds

In total 18 MSEK

Description of the call

Proposals should be based on a clear question and include a description of the project relevance to sustainable aviation. For the current call:

  • Noise and aero-acoustic projects are prioritized.
  • Projects with a direct impact on sustainability of air transport can be considered.
  • Projects for adapting new or existing technology can be considered.

Project areas

  1. Air traffic management and flight paths
  2. Noise exposure and disturbances in proximity of airports
  3. Aviation in a system perspective

See full text of CSA call 2019 in pdf-format (pdf 194 kB)  or on  


KTH-Centre for sustainable aviation (CSA) has research funding through the Swedish Transport Administration (TRV). Contact at KTH:

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Belongs to: Research
Last changed: Feb 04, 2019