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Evacuation managers ITM

Here you will find evacuation managers for the ITM school. Soon, all employees at KTH will be able to act as evacuation managers, after they have completed a mandatory online course.

  Take the safety training course (30 min online)

Area of Responsibility Person
University Administration (UA-ITM)

Julia Kamakin , Financial team, floor 1
Carina Brunn , School´s Office of Student Affairs, floor 2
Gülten Baysal , School´s Office of Student Affairs, floor 2
Christer Lindholm , Service center, floor 2
Azadeh Rezai Jahaghi , HR, floor 6
Christoffer Lindholm , Exp Nord Brinellvägen 68

Energy Technology (EGI)

Vacant, EKV labb
​​​​​​​Nenad Glodic , EKV entré
Jens Fridh ​​​​​​​, EKV verkstad och labb
Andrew Martin ​​​​​​​, EKV korridor plan 4
Peter Hagström ​​​​​​​, EKV korridor plan 4 & 5
Peter Hill ​​​​​​​, ETT labb plan 3
​​​​​​​ Albin Gunnar Svensson  , ETT labb plan 2

Production Engineering (IPU) – Södertälje

Helena Radonja Durisic , floor 1 & 2
Mårten Karlsson ​​​​​​​, floor 1 & 2
​​​​​​​Claes Hansson ​​​​​​​, floor 3 south
Monica Kemvall ​​​​​​​, floor 3 south
Magnus Kvarnström ​​​​​​​, floor 3 north
Kristian Ericsson ​​​​​​​, floor 4
​​​​​​​Mark Lange ​​​​​​​, floor 4

Production Engineering (IPU) – Stockholm

Malvina Roci , corridor floor 3
Niloufar Salehi ​​​​​​​, corridor floor 2
Robert Tomkowski ​​​​​​​, lab floor 2
Lars Wingård ​​​​​​​, corridor floor 2
Eleonora Boffa ​​​​​​​, corridor floor 3
Ove Bayard ​​​​​​​, lab floor 3
Mats Bejhem ​​​​​​​, lab floor 3
Tomasz Ociepa ​​​​​​​, lab floor 2
Jan Stamer ​​​​​​​, lab floor 2

Industrial Economic and Management (Indek)

Vardan Hovsepyan , floor 4
​​​​​​​ Lars Uppvall , floor 5Ö
Andreas Feldmann ​​​​​​​​​​​​, floor 6


Arnold Pears ​​​​​​​​​​​​
Charlotte Hurdelbrink ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​, Language and communication
​​​​​​​​​​​​Vacant, House of Nature
Anders Blomqvist ​​​​​​​, House of Science
​​​​​​​ Stefan Åminneborg ​​​​​​​, House of Science

Engineering Design (MMK)

Andreas Lius , floor 1
Anton Boström ​​​​​​​​​​​​, floor 2
Peter Carlsson ​​​​​​​, floor 3
​​​​​​​ Gustav Sten ​​​​​​​, floor 4

Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)

​​​​​​​ Peter Hedström , the cube
​​​​​​​ Chris Hulme-Smith , office corridor
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Vacant, basement corridor
​​​​​​​ Wenli Long , SEM corridor
​​​​​​​ Valter Ström , new corridor and kitchen
​​​​​​​ Björn Glaser , M123, M126

Assembly points for evacuation