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Centre support

Welcome to the ITM school's support unit for everyone who works with collaboration. If you work with research centres, centre-like initiatives, open research infrastructures or other forms of collaborations you can get support with communication here.

Excel in ordering communication products

Researchers are increasingly better at communicating their research, but not everyone can become a full-time communicator. Therefore it is equally important to learn how to order communcation products – to formulate who your communication is aimed at, and what you want to achieve with it.

Centre support is communication support for those who work with collaboration within the ITM School. We help you to order and produce communication products. Welcome!

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Use our quick form

Get a news article published

Is there something out of the ordinary happening in your activity? Something others should know about? Tell us and we will write a news article and post it on your website.

Form for news articles

Use our quick form

Get an event published

Do you have an interesting event coming up, that more people should have the opportunity to be a part of? Or do you just want to collect all your different activities in one place? Tell us and we will keep your calendar up to date.

Submit an event to a calendar of choice

Read more about news selection

What is a news item?

Not sure what might be news worthy? Read more about news evaluation and target groups.

What is a news item?

Press releases

Would you like help writing a press release? We have put together a form to help you get in all the relevant information.