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Who to contact in case of emergency


Police/Fire Department/Ambulance: 112 (114 14 for non-emergency matters)
Swedish Poisons Information Centre: 112 or 08-33 12 31

Emergency number KTH

KTH emergency number: 08-790 7700

Crisis Management Group SCI School

The crisis management group at SCI school is headed by the dean of the school. They will gather in unforeseen events of a more serious nature, which are more or less likely to affect school staff, students, property, etc., and which can not be managed within the regular line organization.

Please contact crisis managers as below.
If no reply, send a text message!

Sandra Di Rocco
Sandra Di Rocco professor

Deputy head of school

Oscar Tjernberg
Oscar Tjernberg professor

Deputy head of school

Gunnar Tibert
Gunnar Tibert associate professor

Deputy head of school

Sebastian Stichel
Sebastian Stichel professor

Head of school's office

Erik Edstam
Erik Edstam head of department

Communications manager

Marta Marko Tisch
Marta Marko Tisch crisis communication

HR Manager

Simon Lundin
Simon Lundin senior officer

Crisis Manager for the school's students

HannaSara Karlsson
HannaSara Karlsson senior officer

Responsibility of the crisis management team

  •   to assess the situation and organize the appropritate actions.
  •   to inform the staff and students about the actual situation.
  •   to refer median interest to KTH's press officer or president for information.