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Impact day at SCI: Succeed with your H2020 applications

Succeed with your H2020 application

Published Jun 26, 2018

Impact Day at SCI on H2020 will be held for all researchers at the SCI school September 21 at. 11:30-13:30 at KTH campus. Lunch will be served. Information about the registration and location will be sent out after the summer.

Impact day at SCI: Succeed with your H2020 applications

21 September 11:30-13:30 (place not set)
Target group: Researchers at the SCI School.
Speaker: Susanna Pehrson, Research Office, KTH
Organiser: Impact responsible at SCI School
Registraton: Informaton will be sent out after the summer.

Two hour workshop and seminar including group discussion on interesting H2020 calls and how impact can be included in the project application. Presentation about impact in general in H2020, after that presentation of interesting announcements for SCI school, then group discussions linked to specific announcements.

Please contact the school's impact responsible if you have any questions concerning the event.

 Zuheir Barsoum and Val Zwiller
Impact responsible SCI School