Active measures against discrimination at KTH
Active measures are preventative and proactive efforts to counteract discrimination and otherwise promote equal rights and opportunities regardless of gender, transgender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation, or age.
Responsibilities as employer and educational provider
KTH has different obligations in its role as an employer and as an educational provider according to the Discrimination Act (2008:567, Chapter 3). The provisions are mandatory and must be conducted in accordance with the law. Specific areas should be included in the work with active measures concerning the two different roles. The work should involve collaboration with union representatives, employees, and students. The work should be documented in writing every year, with a focus on concrete results in ongoing work processes.
Information about discrimination from the Discrimination Ombudsman.
Active measures against discrimination
The work with active measures shall be conducted at all levels within KTH. The work should be carried out according to an overarching framework that enables those responsible for operations to engage with the issues, set their own goals, and find the right measures to achieve them. The work with active measures shall encompass the same grounds for discrimination as the prohibition of discrimination, i.e., all groups.
- The work shall be proactive and preventative and shall strive for equal rights and opportunities to mitigate differences in conditions between different groups.
- The specific measures shall be developed by employers and educational providers in collaboration with employees and students, respectively.
- The work shall be integrated into regular operational planning and occupational health and safety work.
- Measures shall be scheduled and implemented as soon as possible.
- Employers and educational providers shall follow up on and evaluate the measures taken.
- The work shall be documented annually.
Protected grounds for discrimination
The work with active measures applies to all forms of discrimination and for all protected grounds for discrimination:
- Sex
- Transgender identity or expression
- Religion or other belief
- Ethnicity
- Disability
- Sexual orientation
- Age
Gender-based violence and sexual harassment
A national survey on gender-based violence and sexual harassment was conducted in the Swedish higher education sector in 2021 (Research and Collaboration Program 2022). The results from the study at KTH have been summarized in a report, Double discrimination against women. A report on gender-based violence in the form of incivility and sexual harassment at KTH.
The KTH report is intended for internal use in the efforts towards a safer and more inclusive culture for everyone at the university. The report includes a brief introduction to key concepts and previous research in the field, outlines the main results for KTH, and also presents proposals for group exercises on how gender-based violence can be discussed.
The report is available in its original Swedish version and in an English translation.