Library Council
The President has established a Library Council with representatives from the management, faculty, administrative support, and students to facilitate clear communication and a shared dialogue on strategic issues that can contribute to the long-term development of library operations (V-2024-0389). The Library Council serves as an advisory body to the University Librarian on strategic development matters within the library's scope of operations.
The Library Council functions as an advisory body to the University Librarian on strategic development issues concerning the library. The council will discuss and provide advice on strategic matters related to the library. It will support the University Librarian in decisions regarding the direction of the library’s operations and how the library should be managed and developed to best support education and research. When necessary, the council may escalate issues to KTH’s management team for a decision.
Upcoming meetings for Library Council
- 28 May 2025
For the period from July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2027, the council has the following composition.
- Mikael Lindström, Deputy President and Chairperson for Library Council
- Annika Borgenstam, Vice President for Research
- Nina Wormbs, The Faculty Council
- Kerstin Jacobsson, university director
- Sebastian Meijer, Teacher representative, CBH
- Arnold Pears, Teacher representative, ITM
- Anna Jerbrant, Teacher representative, Future Education
- Maria Haglund, university librarian
- Matt Davoudizavareh, THS Doctoral Student's network
- Emil Wik, THS student representative
- Ika Jorum, secretary